Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years need to accomplish list and other DREAMS

I sat down yesterday and  made a list of unfinished items that really need to be taken care of. 

First off was finishing the vest for Sharon, in Idaho.  Then second, also for Sharon, kitchner the 2 pair of socks that had to have the foot part extended.  I am pleased to say that I sat down this morning and finished the vest and both pair of socks.  Boy am I rusty on kitchner!  Now I will wash them and get them mailed.  Wash tomorrow and mail Wednesday, I hope.

The third item on my list was to repair one of David's socks that had a hole in the ball of the foot area.  Although I wasn't in the mood to start darning, the phone rang and it was my sister in Idaho.  As a result I picked up the sock and started setting it up for darning, while talking.  By the time we hung up I was 1/2 done, so I went ahead and finished it!  Wow!  That is 3 things off my to finish list!

I should add that these three items were my "you have to do these before you can start anything else" projects.

Items 4, 5 and  6 are not "they have to be done now" items.  #4 is a pair of plain white socks that are a take along project.  Always have to have socks on needles.  Item #5 is my Herbert Neibling doily and it requires charting.  I have started charting the odd rows as it is easier, for me, to knit from a chart.  My current chart goes from row 49 through row 63.  I have just started round 62, which is a plain row.  So, before much longer I will have to make another chart.    Item #6 is my black and white fair isle jacket.  That is sort of on hold for the time being.

My unfinished pile is larger, but nothing really pressing.

Then there is the new list - Projects for which I have purchased yarn and patterns.  This list got expanded by 3 pair of socks while visiting David.  I had made him a pair of socks in what I call a circus colorway.  He loves them!  So I went to the store and got yarn for 3 more pair of  "far-out" socks.  I can't believe I bought more sock yarn!

My Projects will be governed by why they are on the list.  The Meadville, PA group decided to knit a hat in January and a group on Ravelry is doing a sock pattern a month to knit down stash.  So, both those items now hit the priority list.

Beyond those items I'll just have to play it by ear.  No promises to myself and no more yarn!  That doesn't mean I can't buy another book,   ;-)   which I did today!

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