I've been getting quite a bit done but it comes with a price - no sleep, sore arm, sink full of dirty dishes. Oh well.
I finished the Zombie hat Sunday the 9th. I didn't even leave the house that day. I had planned on delivering it to the car salesman at the Chrysler dealership on Monday, but by the time I was ready to leave the house they were closed. I was at the dealership, getting my car worked on Friday, knitting on the hat when the salesman walked past. He mentioned he really liked the hat, so I told him he could have it if it fit him when it was done. It did fit him and he is happy with it. One project off the list!
Still haven't washed the vest and socks for Sharon, so they can't be mailed yet. I've decided that the Baby Alpaca Vest won't fit Melissa, so I'm going to send it to Sharon's daughter-in-law in California. I know it will look great on her and she is the kind of person that will take proper care of it - washing, etc.
I charted rounds 65 through 73 of the Neibling pattern yesterday. I was in the middle of round 63 when I did this. Who goes to bed at a decent hour at my house? Not me! About 2:00 this morning I was going to go to bed but then Poker After Dark came on TV and I have it set up to record. Oh well, I'm not really tired. So I watched it and continued to knit. By about 3:10 I had completed round 67 and had 2 of the 6 plain sections of round 68 done. Did about 8 rounds on the white sock this morning after getting back from running around.
I still haven't been back to Waterford to give Marge her check for $4.24 that I owe her! I really hate to go and not buy anything, but after getting the car fixed Friday and the trip over Christmas, the budget is blown! I should call and make sure that she isn't expecting a yarn shipment before I do go! Of course I won't be going this week because we are expecting more snow, starting tonight. Darn, the urge to go NOW is really strong! What was it they said in Star Wars? Resistance is Futile. Repeat after me: I DO NOT NEED MORE YARN!
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