It looks like I'm in the lazy days syndrome. My wrist isn't getting any better, actually worse. I can't knit more than 1,000 stitches a day without it becoming painful. I need to get back up the the hand specialist for a talk. I don't want surgery because I worry it could make it worse. It looks like I'll be doing very little hand knitting in my future. I have some socks on needles and occasionally work a few rounds on them. I'll be hand knitting some lace and some worsted weight, to use up my stash. I know I'm going to miss the comfort I get from hand knitting but at least I will be knitting. I think my spinning wheel might help with the rhythm of hand knitting that I will miss. But of course my right foot always wants to continue the rhythm after I go to bed!
I was on Ravelry today and discovered the Hansen Crafts mini spinner! It also comes with the WooLeeWinder level-wind flyer. I'm familiar with the flyer, but had never heard of the mini spinner! I don't have a problem with my Ashford Traditional wheel, but I sure would like the flyer attachment for my Ashford.
It seems like every time I turn around, lately, there is some new "knitting want" I encounter. They are always expensive items!
I really need to make the long swatch for my cardigans, on the knitting machine. One swatch, various settings. Since the cardigans will be straight knit I took the ribber off of the knitting machine Wednesday. That thing is heavy! Now all I have to do is get the yarn ready to swatch. It will require dividing the hank in half, making one ball. Then using my scale, to make 2 balls from the one ball so I can run the two strands through the machine at the same time. Once I get the tension I want I will have to re-calculate the sweater pattern, as a flat pattern, not in the round. That isn't a problem, the problem is me! I just don't have the incentive to do much of anything lately.
I did make a loaf of bread Wednesday, using my new bread machine. I should never try to talk on the phone, or even answer it, when I'm in the middle of something! I had to throw the first batch out because I didn't put in the right amount of liquid! Once I started over I realized my error! Another thing I learned was don't believe everything the book says! It said that you could use butter straight from the fridge. Wrong! I even softened it with the first try, but all I got were flour covered lumps of butter! I knew better! With the second batch I melted the butter! That works! Then there was the salt - I knew they wanted more than I like, but I followed the instructions. Next time I'll decrease the amount of salt a bit. Trial and error. At least I got a nice loaf of bread. Oh yes, then there was the clean up of the pan. Well, I did that right, thank heavens, but when I went to wash the beaters I could only find one, and there are two! I hunted and hunted and couldn't find that darned missing beater. About 1/2 hour later I was looking at the bottom of the loaf and it dawned on me - it was still in the bottom of the loaf! I'm learning! Just wait until I try to make Puff Dough! That should be real interesting! That is all by hand, no machine with that. It is very time consuming.
Now I'm hungry!